School Meals

At lunchtime, children are free either to go home for lunch, to take a school meal, or to bring a packed lunch.

School meals
:    Sample Menu
N:B If this link does not work please search Google for the following keywords
Moray Council Primary School meals

A variety of hot and cold main and dessert dishes is served daily. Children have a choice of menu. The cost of the school meals is given on the enclosed information sheet. Special dietary considerations may be accommodated. Please contact the catering supervisor, Mrs Johnston. School meals are provided in exchange for a meal ticket. Tickets can either be bought singly or in books of ten. Tickets are valid for the school year. They can be bought direct from the cook between 8.30am and 8.45am daily. Teachers will look after meal tickets for children until lunchtime if requested. The school will not accept responsibility for lost tickets. Occasionally lost tickets will not prevent children from being served with meals, but persistent non-production of tickets will be referred to parents. The children’s name is marked in a book for payment later. Neither teachers nor the school administrators handle school meals accounts (except for free school meal entitlements) any enquiries should be made to the cook/supervisor. Free school meal tickets are available to children whose parents receive Income Support. Full details and application forms are available from the school administrators in the school office or click on the link below.

Cost of a school meal is £2.30    Free School and Clothing Grant Application 

Packed lunches

These are eaten in the dining hall simultaneously with the service of school
lunches. Children who bring packed lunches are expected to finish what they bring to eat. Children are not permitted to swap items in their lunches with others due to specific dietary conditions of some of our pupils.
The school auxiliaries are there to ensure that the children eat sensibly and are gently reminded not to waste any of their food.
Under no circumstances should children bring drinks to school in glass flasks or bottles. Fizzy and sugary drinks are not permitted in the school.

Mid-morning snacks

Children are welcome to bring a mid-morning snack or ‘play piece’ to school with them. As a Health Promoting School we encourage parents to seek healthy options for snack and pack lunch time.
Pupils can also buy snacks from the canteen. They sell:
Fruit                                from 15p – 25p
Raisins                           10p
Scone / Pancake      10p
Juices                              25p


Kinloss Primary School Burghead Road IV36 3SX