
BBC Class Clips
BBC being an astronautBeing an Astronautmore clips on space
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Here are all the BBC Space and Solar System videos

Star Gazing Live website– features videos of the last solar eclipse in March 2015

Chris Hadfield was the commander of the International Space Station
As commander he recorded a series of videos describing life in space including wringing out water in space, nail clipping in space etc….

He also recorded a version of David Bowie’s Space Oddity which was very well-known which can be found at his own website.

Hubble Space Telescope– this is telescope which is in space. It can work 24 hours a day 7 days a week. It does not have to wait until it is dark !
NASA page related to the Hubble Space Telescope

Lyrid meteor shower 20-23 April 2015

P5  6 is the best class on Earth!!!!

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